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Uniting for Safe and Strong Communities in South-Central Pennsylvania

Open to Pennsylvanians in Adams, Dauphin, Franklin, and York Counties committed to working across differences to build community health and resilience. April - November 2025.

Program Overview

Uniting for Safe and Strong Communities (USSC) is a non-partisan civic engagement program that brings together an ideologically, racially, generationally, and geographically diverse cohort of 25-30 Pennsylvania Uniters, residents of Adams, Dauphin, Franklin, and York counties, to build relationships, strengthen collaboration skills, explore different views on key issues, and work together with community organizations to address urgent challenges facing these communities.

Program Goals

  1. Strengthen individual collaboration skills

  2. Increase understanding among people with different perspectives and experiences

  3. Build relationships across differences and decrease “othering” 

  4. Reduce acceptance of violence as a means of resolving conflict

  5. Address local challenges in collaboration with community organizations

  6. Strengthen community cohesion and resilience

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Projects with
Community Partners

Uniters in Adams, Dauphin, Franklin, and York counties will be implementing projects in collaboration with community partners to address urgent challenges facing these communities. ​

Program Schedule

All in-person gatherings will feature a workshop and other activities such as small-group discussions, visits with community leaders, a shared meal, and/or a walking tour.  

April ‘25


Build Relationships and Learn Together

Kick off program. Build relationships across divides and engage in constructive dialogue.

Apr. 5 | 10AM - 4PM | Franklin Co.



May - June ‘25


Plan for Action

Analyze economic issues and design projects in collaboration with community partners.

May 3 | 10AM - 4PM | Adams Co.

May 31 | 10AM - 4PM | Dauphin Co.


June 28 | 10AM - 4PM | York Co.

June - October '25


Take Action

Implement projects and gather with Uniters to share successes and challenges.

Aug. | Date and Location TBD | Day at the Park

Sept. 6 | 10AM - 4PM | TBD


Oct. 4 | 10AM - 4PM | TBD

November '25


Communicate Results and Sustain our Action

Implement projects and gather with Uniters to share successes and challenges

Nov. 15 | 10AM - 4PM | Franklin Co.

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