Pennsylvania Uniters in UPTV PA are implementing projects with community partners to (1) address targeted violence risk factors identified by the group, and (2) advance a goal of the partner organization. See below to learn more!
UPTV PA Projects

Defusing Political Tension in Adams County
Talking about ideological differences respectfully can alleviate community tensions. A team of Uniters worked with Mediation Services of Adams County to promote constructive conversation and defuse political tension.
The team has created "Me Cards" to help school kids recognize their unique attributes and boost their self-esteem.
The team has also created “Tent Talk” cards and put up tents at county events. Tent Talks create a physical space for community members to express thoughts on issues related to race, politics, and other issues affecting the community — without fear of criticism. Tent Talk cards help facilitate face-to-face conversations that foster understanding, promote connection, and lay the groundwork for collective action.

Connecting Veterans and Service Providers in Dauphin County
Veterans are often misunderstood, which complicates the challenge of delivering much-needed social services to people who served our country. A team of Uniters in Dauphin County worked with Just for Today Recovery and Veterans Support Services to train veterans and the organizations that serve them on constructive dialogue, dispute resolution, and trauma awareness. In so doing, we aimed to increase the understanding and awareness of the challenges veterans face in Dauphin County, thereby improving veterans’ quality of life and reducing the likelihood of their being involved in targeted violence.

The team in Dauphin County also worked with the county's multi-disciplinary Threat Advisory Group to better engage the broader community in identifying and referring potential threats.
Listening Compassionately to Prevent Suicide in York
A team of Uniters worked with Suicide Prevention of York to form the Compassionate Listeners of York, a support system to address feelings of hopelessness and unworthiness that can be risk factors for suicide and targeted violence. Partnering with the Hope Squad program, the team aimed to reduce the community's epidemic of loneliness, unworthiness, and violence. The team hosted the Hope for York Forum on 4/16/24.​
Working Across Political Divides in Franklin County
A politically diverse team of Uniters worked with the Franklin County Threat Assessment Threat Management (TATM) Team to introduce their mission to the community and help them network organically into areas where they are likely to be needed. We also aimed to model working across diverse perspectives to find common humanity, thereby strengthening the community and the preventive factors against targeted violence.

This team was selected to present at the 2023 Bridge-Building Innovation Showcase in Kansas City, MO.
This project is funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships, opportunity number DHS-22-TTP-132-00-01.