Uniting to Prevent Targeted Violence in South-Central Pennsylvania
A non-partisan civic participation program (October 2022 - September 2024) that brought community members together across political, racial, generational, geographic, and other differences to address causes of targeted violence.

Program Overview
Uniting to Prevent Targeted Violence in South-Central Pennsylvania (UPTV) was a non-partisan program that brought together Pennsylvanians in Adams, Dauphin, Franklin, and York counties to work across divides to prevent targeted violence.
Program Outcomes
Built relationships across lines of difference
Implemented projects that reduce risks of targeted violence
Strengthened and supported county Threat Assessment and Management teams
Raised our communities’ awareness of targeted violence

Pennsylvania Uniters
Our Uniters were photographed last year in York, PA by John Noltner of the A Peace of My Mind project. Check out the gallery of photos below, along with our Uniters’ responses to the question "What do you hope to achieve by working across differences to prevent targeted violence?"
Uniting to Prevent Targeted Violence in South-Central Pennsylvania Core Team
We lead implementation of the Uniting to Prevent Targeted Violence in South-Central Pennsylvania program.
Team Advisor (York County)
Program Co-Director
Team Advisor (York County)
Program Co-Director
Chief of Staff + Team Advisor (Dauphin County)
Team Advisor (Adams County)
Team Advisor (Franklin County)