Wisconsin Uniters Call for Peaceful Participation on and after Election Day
November 4, 2024

We, the undersigned Wisconsin Uniters, come from all walks of life and hold differing views on political and social issues.
While we do not all agree on which leaders or policies would best serve our country, we do believe there is more that unites us than divides us, and that by working together we can address our communities’ most pressing challenges. That’s why, despite our differences, we have been collaborating for the last five months to prevent targeted violence in our region.
Divisive rhetoric, disinformation, and distrust surrounding the elections have undermined our society's collective ability to cooperate to solve common problems. To forge a better path forward, we urge our fellow Americans to do three things today and in the coming weeks and months:
First, we must connect with one another as humans and fellow Americans. The value of each and every individual is the foundation of our democratic republic. By paying as much attention to our neighbors as we do to the politicians making noise, we can move forward with compassion and curiosity, respecting others, no matter their political party. Look away from your screen and get to know your neighbors, even during–especially during–this time of political uncertainty.
Second, we must exercise our rights and responsibilities as citizens constructively. Voting is the right of each and every qualified citizen, and should not be discouraged or denied by the threat of violence, or undermined by unfair election processes. Our society thrives when we air our disagreements openly and civilly and when we accept the election outcome, even when our preferred candidate does not win or even if the process to ensure an accurate count takes longer than we might want. We can manage disagreements with our neighbors through constructive dialogue and peacefully voice our opinions about policies, ideas, and processes in the public square. It is time to stop approaching politics as a zero-sum game, but rather as a joint effort to advance the common good.
Third, we must proactively oppose political violence. We call on our political leaders to condemn, unequivocally, all political violence in their words and actions, while pledging to hold accountable all who would commit such violence. We also call on leaders and other Americans to avoid using inflammatory language that might incite violence. Violent content online can exploit our cognitive biases when emotions run high, and so we urge our fellow community members to exercise discretion when consuming and sharing information that might be designed to divide us. No matter the election outcome and the events that follow, violence will only further entrench polarization, increase fear, and reduce our ability to improve our well-being.
Ready to do your part? Lend your voice to this statement against political violence by signing below.
Ahmed Quereshi
Allison Hayden
Arielle Mayer
Barbra Beck
Britt Brill
Dalia Rojas
Ernnie Grayson
Jeremy Hansen
Jody Bloyer
Joel Lashley
Leslie Fenninger​
Maria Villalobos​
Mary Madden
Molly McLaughlin
Parry Singh
Rachel Czys​
Saveion Weatherford
Stephanie Hartleben
Sue Zenda
Valerie Langston
Yolanda Jackson-Lewis
Yvonne Leitze
Additional signatories across the U.S.
Biva Yauchler / 53186
Chad Robinson / 53121
Chris Krasovich / 53072
David Soloway / 90025
Dan Meyer / 53190
Derek Clayton / 53051
Eli Kelling / 53072
Erin Theriault / 53072
Heather Gergen / 53072
Jenny Seward / 97217
Joseph Bubman / 90035
Johnnie Austin / 53205
Judith Rivin / 90025
Julia Westphal / 53186​​​​​
​Kira Hamman / 21783
Linda Inks / 46256
Lisa Inks / 46250
Maribeth Mclaughlin / 53190
Maryann Zimmerman / 53190
Matt Griffith / 46250
Matthew Welsh / 53190
Michelle Gahee / 85323
Molly Malone / 90035
Pearce Godwin / 28560
Rebecca Sheperd / 53072
Suzi Schoenhoft / 53121
Valerie / 53154
Will Anderson / 17370​​
Zachary Weaver / 66202
Wisconsin Uniters’ Statement on Assassination Attempt against Trump

July 17, 2024
​Political violence has no place in our society. As a group of Wisconsin leaders and community members spanning the political spectrum and representing various racial and religious backgrounds, we adamantly condemn the attempted assassination against former President Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13.
As we extend our heartfelt condolences to the family of Corey Comperatore, we also share our hopes for a speedy recovery of the injured and express our gratitude that former President Trump is safe. Additionally, we turn to the Republican National Convention being held this week in our home state, standing united for peaceful participation of everyone in our democratic republic and against any further forms of political violence during this important process.
Political disagreement can and must be managed through constructive dialogue, not through hateful rhetoric, dehumanization, and violence. We call on our political leaders to publicly model unequivocal condemnation of all political violence in their words and actions, while pledging to hold all who would commit such violence accountable.
We are Wisconsin Uniters, a group of people who have come together across lines of difference to prevent targeted violence, such as the assassination attempt we sadly just witnessed. It is our core belief that there is more that unites us than divides us, and that by working together we can solve some of our communities’ most pressing challenges.
We are more committed than ever to making Southeast Wisconsin safer and more cohesive for all its citizens. In doing so, we will serve as a model for Americans that we can honor our different beliefs and backgrounds while still actively working together to uphold our collective values.
Ready to do your part?
Join us Uniters and other organizations on Saturday, July 27 at our public event, “Wisconsinites Uniting for a Safe Election Season.”
Lend your voice to this statement against political violence by signing above.
Ahmed Quereshi
Allison Hayden
Arielle Mayer
Britt Brill
Dalia Rojas
Dion Brown​​
Ernnie Grayson
Jeremy Hansen
Jody Bloyer
Joel Lashley
Leslie Fenninger
Maria Villalobos​
Molly McLaughlin
Parry Singh
Rachel Czys
Saveion Weatherford
Stephanie Hartleben​
Sue Zenda
Tenisha Williams-Jelks
Valerie Langston
Yolanda Jackson-Lewis
Yvonne Leitze
Additional signatories across the U.S.
Chris Krasovich / 53072
Jon Kurtz / 20011
Joseph Bubman / 90064
Kira Hamman / 21783
Lisa Inks / 46250
Maryann Zimmerman / 53190
Molly Malone / 90064
Rebecca Sheperd / 53072
Sandra Pocaro / 53226
Suzi Schoenhoft / 53121
Want to get involved? Contact:
Chris Krasovich, UPTV Wisconsin Communications and Program Officer: chris@uraction.org
Eli Kelling, Waukesha County Coordinator: eli@uraction.org
Johnnie Austin, Milwaukee County Coordinator: johnnie@uraction.org​
Joe Bubman, UPTV WI Program Co-Director: joe@uraction.org​
Lisa Inks, UPTV WI Program Co-Director: lisa@uraction.org​
Maryann Zimmerman, Walworth County Coordinator: maryann@uraction.org
Michael Holden, Kenosha and Racine County Coordinator: michael@uraction.org